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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

prom·is·ing BrE [ˈprɒmɪsɪŋ] NAmE [ˈprɑːmɪsɪŋ] adjective
showing signs of being good or successful
He was voted the most promising new actor for his part in the movie.
The weather doesn't look very promising.
The research produced promising results.
Derived Word:promisingly

promising [promising promisingly] adj.
The weather doesn't look very promising.
encouraging • • hopeful • • heartening • |formal auspicious • |especially journalism business bright • • rosy
Opp: unpromising
be/look promising/encouraging/hopeful/auspicious/bright/rosy for sb/sth
a/an promising/encouraging/hopeful/auspicious/bright start
a/an promising/encouraging/hopeful/bright/rosy future/prospect/outlook/picture
Promising or encouraging? Use promising to talk about sb's career; use encouraging to talk about people's reactions to things
•a promising career/candidate/young player
• The response from readers was extremely encouraging.

Example Bank:
The outlook is hardly promising.
At that time, I had a promising career in TV.
He was voted the most promising newcomer for his part in the movie.
She was a young woman with a promising future.
The results of our earlier enquiries have been promising.
The weather doesn't look very promising.

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