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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

ren·tal [rental rentals] BrE [ˈrentl] NAmE [ˈrentl] noun
1. (also rent especially in NAmE)uncountable, countable, usually singular the amount of money that you pay to use sth for a particular period of time
Telephone charges include line rental.
2. uncountable the act of renting sth or an arrangement to rent sth
the world's largest car rental company
DVD rental
• (especially NAmE)a rental car
a minimum rental period of three months
compare hire
3. countable (especially NAmE)a house, car, or piece of equipment that you can rent
‘Is this your own car?’ ‘No, it's a rental.’
See also:rent

Word Origin:
late Middle English: from Anglo-Norman French, or from Anglo-Latin rentale, from Old French rente, from a root shared by ↑render.

Example Bank:
The local rental market is booming.
The phone bill gives a breakdown of the cost of the line rental and of calls.
a coupon for a free movie rental
the broadband package includes 6 months free line rental
The weekly rental on the car was over £200.

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