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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

var·sity [varsity varsities] noun, adjective BrE [ˈvɑːsəti] NAmE [ˈvɑːrsəti]
noun countable, uncountable (pl. var·sities)
1. (NAmE)the main team that represents a college or ↑high school, especially in sports competitions
He made varsity as a wide receiver.
2. (BrE, old use or IndE or SAfrE)university
She's still at varsity.

Word Origin:
mid 17th cent.: shortening of ↑university, reflecting an archaic pronunciation.
adjective only before noun (BrE, informal)used when describing activities connected with the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, especially sports competitions
the varsity match

Word Origin:
mid 17th cent.: shortening of ↑university, reflecting an archaic pronunciation.

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