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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

west·ern [western westerns] adjective, noun BrE [ˈwestən] NAmE [ˈwestərn]
1. only before noun (abbr.W) (also Western)located in the west or facing west
western Spain
Western Europe
the western slopes of the mountain
2. (usually Western)connected with the west part of the world, especially Europe and N America
Western art
see also country and western

Word Origin:
Old English westerne (from ↑west and -ern).
a film/movie or book about life in the western US in the 19th century, usually involving ↑cowboys

Word Origin:
Old English westerne (from ↑west and -ern).

Westerns involve guns, horses and often Indians ( ↑Native Americans). They are popular because they represent the traditional struggle between good and bad, often in a simple but exciting way. Famous western films include High Noon and ↑Shane. Western television series have included ↑Gunsmoke and Bonanza.
See also ↑cowboys and Indians, See also L'Amour, See also ↑spaghetti western

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