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Từ điển WordNet v3.1 - WordNet Dictionary

I - noun
an edge tool with a flat steel blade with a cutting edge (Freq. 4)
edge tool
burin, cold chisel, set chisel, drove, drove chisel,
firmer chisel, ripping chisel, wood chisel

II - verb
1. deprive somebody of something by deceit
- The con-man beat me out of $50
- This salesman ripped us off!
- we were cheated by their clever-sounding scheme
- They chiseled me out of my money
cheat, rip off
Derivationally related forms:
chiseler, chiseller, rip-off (for: rip off), cheat (for: cheat), cheater (for: cheat), cheating (for: cheat)
victimize, victimise
gazump, cozen, overcharge, soak, surcharge,
fleece, plume, pluck, rob, hook, victimize,
swindle, rook, goldbrick, nobble, diddle, bunco,
defraud, scam, mulct, gyp, gip, hornswoggle,
short-change, con, bilk, beat, bunk, whipsaw,
welsh, welch, juggle, beguile, hoodwink
deceive, lead on, delude, cozen
Verb Frames:
- Somebody ----s
- Somebody ----s somebody
- Somebody ----s somebody of something
2. engage in deceitful behavior;
practice trickery or fraud
- Who's chiseling on the side?
Derivationally related forms:
chiseler, chiseller, cheat (for: cheat), cheater (for: cheat), cheating (for: cheat)
deceive, lead on, delude, cozen
job, shark, rig, set up, cozen,
crib, fudge, manipulate, fake, falsify, cook,
wangle, misrepresent
Verb Frames:
- Somebody ----s
3. carve with a chisel
- chisel the marble
carve, chip at
Verb Frames:
- Somebody ----s something
- Something ----s something

▼ Từ liên quan / Related words
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