1. a grouping of a number of similar things (Freq. 9) - a bunch of trees - a cluster of admirers • Syn: bunch, cluster, clustering • Derivationally related forms: cluster (for: clustering), cluster (for: cluster), bunchy (for: bunch), bunch (for: bunch) • Hypernyms: agglomeration • Hyponyms: knot, swad, tuft, tussock • Instance Hyponyms: Northern Cross, Omega Centauri, Pleiades 2. a compact mass (Freq. 1) - a ball of mud caught him on the shoulder • Syn: ball, clod, glob, lump, chunk • Derivationally related forms: chunky (for: chunk), chunk (for: chunk), lumpy (for: lump) • Hypernyms: agglomeration • Hyponyms: clot, coagulum, gob, clew 3. a heavy dull sound (as made by impact of heavy objects) • Syn: thump, thumping, clunk, thud • Derivationally related forms: thud (for: thud), clunky (for: clunk), clunk (for: clunk), thump (for: thumping), thump (for: thump) • Hypernyms: sound
1. gather or cause to gather into a cluster - She bunched her fingers into a fist • Syn: bunch, bunch up, bundle, cluster • Derivationally related forms: cluster (for: cluster), clustering (for: cluster), bundle (for: bundle), bunch (for: bunch) • Hypernyms: form • Hyponyms: agglomerate • Verb Frames: - Something ----s - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s something PP 2. walk clumsily • Syn: clomp • Hypernyms: walk • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s - The crowds clump in the streets - The streets clump with crowds 3. make or move along with a sound as of a horse's hooves striking the ground • Syn: clop, clunk, plunk • Derivationally related forms: plunk (for: plunk), clunk (for: clunk) • Hypernyms: sound, go • Verb Frames: - Something ----s - Somebody ----s PP 4. come together as in a cluster or flock - The poets constellate in this town every summer • Syn: cluster, constellate, flock • Derivationally related forms: flock (for: flock), constellation (for: constellate), cluster (for: cluster), clustering (for: cluster) • Hypernyms: meet, gather, assemble, forgather, foregather • Hyponyms: huddle, huddle together, bunch together, bunch, bunch up • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s - Something is ----ing PP - Somebody ----s PP - The crowds clump in the streets