1. a position on a scale of intensity or amount or quality (Freq. 25) - a moderate grade of intelligence - a high level of care is required - it is all a matter of degree • Syn: grade, level • Hypernyms: property • Hyponyms: quality, caliber, calibre, intensity, intensiveness, grind, depth, highness, high, low, lowness, extreme, amplitude level, moderation, moderateness, immoderation, immoderateness, sun protection factor, SPF • Attrubites: high, low, mild, intense 2. a specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or especially in a process (Freq. 17) - a remarkable degree of frankness - at what stage are the social sciences? • Syn: level, stage, point • Hypernyms: state • Hyponyms: ladder, acme, height, elevation, peak, pinnacle, summit, superlative, meridian, tiptop, top, extent, resultant, end point, standard of living, standard of life, plane, state of the art, ultimacy, ultimateness, quickening, climax 3. an award conferred by a college or university signifying that the recipient has satisfactorily completed a course of study (Freq. 13) - he earned his degree at Princeton summa cum laude • Syn: academic degree • Hypernyms: award, accolade, honor, honour, laurels • Hyponyms: associate degree, associate, bachelor's degree, baccalaureate, honours, honours, master's degree, doctor's degree, doctorate, law degree, honorary degree, honoris causa 4. a measure for arcs and angles (Freq. 7) - there are 360 degrees in a circle • Syn: arcdegree • Hypernyms: angular unit • Part Holonyms: oxtant, sextant • Part Meronyms: minute, arcminute, minute of arc 5. the highest power of a term or variable (Freq. 6) • Hypernyms: exponent, power, index • Hyponyms: degree of a term, degree of a polynomial, first degree 6. a unit of temperature on a specified scale (Freq. 1) - the game was played in spite of the 40-degree temperature • Hypernyms: temperature unit • Hyponyms: degree centigrade, degree Celsius, C, degree Fahrenheit, F 7. the seriousness of something (e.g., a burn or crime) - murder in the second degree - a second degree burn • Hypernyms: magnitude