1. disgustingly dirty; filled or smeared with offensive matter (Freq. 2) - as filthy as a pigsty - a foul pond - a nasty pigsty of a room • Syn: foul, nasty • Similar to: dirty, soiled, unclean • Derivationally related forms: nastiness (for: nasty), foulness (for: foul), filth, filthiness 2. vile; despicable - a dirty (or lousy) trick - a filthy traitor • Syn: dirty, lousy • Similar to: nasty, awful • Derivationally related forms: lousiness (for: lousy), filthiness 3. characterized by obscenity - had a filthy mouth - foul language - smutty jokes • Syn: cruddy, foul, nasty, smutty • Similar to: dirty • Derivationally related forms: smuttiness (for: smutty), smut (for: smutty), nastiness (for: nasty), filth, filthiness