1. the ripened reproductive body of a seed plant (Freq. 10) • Derivationally related forms: fruity, fruiterer, fruitlet, fructify • Hypernyms: reproductive structure • Hyponyms: edible fruit, juniper berry, May apple, achene, gourd, prairie gourd, quandong, blue fig, acorn, olive, hip, rose hip, rosehip, wild cherry, marasca, hagberry, chokecherry, rowanberry, buffalo nut, elk nut, oil nut, ear, spike, capitulum, fruitlet, seed, berry, aggregate fruit, multiple fruit, syncarp, drupe, stone fruit, pome, false fruit, pod, seedpod, pyxidium, pyxis, accessory fruit, pseudocarp, buckthorn berry, yellow berry, cubeb, schizocarp 2. an amount of a product (Freq. 3) • Syn: yield • Derivationally related forms: yield (for: yield) • Hypernyms: product, production 3. the consequence of some effort or action (Freq. 1) - he lived long enough to see the fruit of his policies • Hypernyms: consequence, aftermath
1. cause to bear fruit • Derivationally related forms: fruitage • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something 2. bear fruit - the trees fruited early this year • Derivationally related forms: fruition, fruitage • Hypernyms: bear, turn out • Verb Frames: - Something ----s