1. a course of conduct (Freq. 10) - the path of virtue - we went our separate ways - our paths in life led us apart - genius usually follows a revolutionary path • Syn: way, way of life • Hypernyms: course, course of action • Hyponyms: ambages, primrose path, straight and narrow, strait and narrow, Sunnah, Sunna, hadith, warpath 2. a way especially designed for a particular use (Freq. 8) • Hypernyms: way • Hyponyms: bridle path, bridle road, crossing, crosswalk, crossover, lane, pathway, footpath, towpath, towing path, walk, walkway, paseo 3. an established line of travel or access (Freq. 3) • Syn: route, itinerary • Derivationally related forms: route (for: route) • Hypernyms: line • Hyponyms: feeder line, main line, track, data track, air lane, flight path, airway, skyway, traffic pattern, approach pattern, pattern, beat, round, bus route, line of flight, line of march, orbit, celestial orbit, electron orbit, paper route, paper round, beeline, circuit, crosscut, supply line, supply route, line of fire, migration route, flyway, fairway, direction, way, trade route • Instance Hyponyms: Northwest Passage 4. a line or route along which something travels or moves - the hurricane demolished houses in its path - the track of an animal - the course of the river • Syn: track, course • Derivationally related forms: course (for: course), track (for: track) • Hypernyms: line • Hyponyms: collision course, inside track, round, steps, swath, belt, trail