1. the state of demanding notice or attention (Freq. 1) - the insistence of their hunger - the press of business matters • Syn: imperativeness, insistence, insistency, pressure • Derivationally related forms: pressure (for: pressure), press (for: pressure), insistent (for: insistency), insistent (for: insistence), imperative (for: imperativeness) • Hypernyms: urgency 2. the print media responsible for gathering and publishing news in the form of newspapers or magazines (Freq. 1) • Syn: public press • Hypernyms: print media • Hyponyms: free press, newspaper, paper, magazine, mag • Part Meronyms: press corps 3. a machine used for printing (Freq. 1) • Syn: printing press • Hypernyms: machine • Hyponyms: flatbed press, cylinder press, rotary press, standing press • Part Meronyms: bed 4. clamp to prevent wooden rackets from warping when not in use • Hypernyms: clamp, clinch 5. any machine that exerts pressure to form or shape or cut materials or extract liquids or compress solids • Syn: mechanical press • Hypernyms: machine • Hyponyms: cheese press, ciderpress, garlic press, hydraulic press, punch press, winepress 6. a dense crowd of people • Syn: crush, jam • Derivationally related forms: jam (for: jam) • Hypernyms: crowd • Hyponyms: traffic jam, snarl-up 7. a tall piece of furniture that provides storage space for clothes; has a door and rails or hooks for hanging clothes • Syn: wardrobe, closet • Hypernyms: furniture, piece of furniture, article of furniture • Hyponyms: armoire, clothes closet, clothespress, coat closet 8. a weightlift in which the barbell is lifted to shoulder height and then smoothly lifted overhead • Syn: military press • Hypernyms: weightlift, weightlifting 9. the act of pressing; the exertion of pressure - he gave the button a press - he used pressure to stop the bleeding - at the pressing of a button • Syn: pressure, pressing • Derivationally related forms: press (for: pressing), press (for: pressure) • Hypernyms: push, pushing • Hyponyms: impression, compression, compressing
1. exert pressure or force to or upon (Freq. 32) - He pressed down on the boards - press your thumb on this spot • Derivationally related forms: pressure, pressing • Hypernyms: touch • Hyponyms: squeeze, squash, crush, squelch, mash, crunch, cranch, craunch, grind, drag down, bear down, bear down on, press down on, weigh down, knuckle, push • Verb Frames: - Something is ----ing PP - Somebody ----s something - Something ----s something - Somebody ----s something PP - Somebody ----s PP 2. force or impel in an indicated direction (Freq. 7) - I urged him to finish his studies • Syn: urge, urge on, exhort • Derivationally related forms: exhortatory (for: exhort), exhortation (for: exhort), pressure, urgent (for: urge), urging (for: urge) • Hypernyms: rede, advise, counsel • Hyponyms: rush, hurry, push, bear on, preach, advocate • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s somebody to INFINITIVE - Sam cannot press Sue - They press him to write the letter 3. to be oppressive or burdensome (Freq. 2) - weigh heavily on the mind", "Something pressed on his mind • Syn: weigh • Hypernyms: count, matter, weigh • Verb Frames: - Something is ----ing PP 4. place between two surfaces and apply weight or pressure (Freq. 2) - pressed flowers • Derivationally related forms: pressing • Hypernyms: flatten, flatten out • Hyponyms: iron, iron out, calender • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Something ----s something 5. squeeze or press together (Freq. 2) - she compressed her lips - the spasm contracted the muscle • Syn: compress, constrict, squeeze, compact, contract • Derivationally related forms: pressing, contraction (for: contract), contracture (for: contract), contractor (for: contract), constriction (for: constrict), constrictor (for: constrict), compressible (for: compress), compression (for: compress), compressor (for: compress), compressing (for: compress) • Hypernyms: tighten • Hyponyms: choke, strangle, prim, astringe, strangulate, convulse, bear down, overbear, gag, fret, scrag • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something 6. crowd closely (Freq. 1) - The crowds pressed along the street • Hypernyms: mass • Verb Frames: - Something is ----ing PP - Somebody ----s PP 7. create by pressing (Freq. 1) - Press little holes into the soft clay • Hypernyms: make, create • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Something ----s something 8. be urgent - This is a pressing problem • Derivationally related forms: pressure • Hypernyms: be • Verb Frames: - Something ----s 9. exert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a certain cause or person; be an advocate for - The liberal party pushed for reforms - She is crusading for women's rights - The Dean is pushing for his favorite candidate • Syn: crusade, fight, campaign, push, agitate • Derivationally related forms: push (for: push), campaign (for: campaign), fighter (for: fight), crusade (for: crusade), crusader (for: crusade) • Hypernyms: advertise, advertize, promote, push • Verb Group: advertise, advertize, promote, push • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s somebody 10. press from a plastic - press a record • Syn: press out • Derivationally related forms: pressing • Hypernyms: cast, mold, mould • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Something ----s something 11. make strenuous pushing movements during birth to expel the baby - 'Now push hard,' said the doctor to the woman • Syn: push • Derivationally related forms: push (for: push) • Hypernyms: push, force • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s 12. press and smooth with a heated iron - press your shirts - she stood there ironing • Syn: iron, iron out • Derivationally related forms: iron (for: iron), ironing (for: iron) • Hyponyms: mangle • Entailment: heat, heat up • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Something ----s something 13. lift weights - This guy can press 300 pounds • Syn: weight-lift, weightlift • Derivationally related forms: weightlifter (for: weightlift), weightlifting (for: weightlift) • Hypernyms: exercise, work out • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s 14. ask for or request earnestly - The prophet bid all people to become good persons • Syn: bid, beseech, entreat, adjure, conjure • Derivationally related forms: adjuratory (for: adjure), adjuration (for: adjure), biddable (for: bid), bid (for: bid), bidding (for: bid) • Hypernyms: plead • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s somebody - Somebody ----s somebody to INFINITIVE