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Từ điển WordNet v3.1 - WordNet Dictionary

I - noun
an automatic instinctive unlearned reaction to a stimulus (Freq. 5)
reflex response, reflex action, instinctive reflex, innate reflex, inborn reflex,
unconditioned reflex, physiological reaction
reaction, response
accommodation reflex, Babinski, Babinski reflex, Babinski sign, belch,
belching, burp, burping, eructation, blink, eye blink,
blinking, wink, winking, nictitation, nictation, blush,
flush, vomit, vomiting, emesis, regurgitation, disgorgement,
puking, defecation reflex, rectal reflex, yawn, yawning, oscitance,
oscitancy, electric shock, electrical shock, shock, fart, farting,
flatus, wind, breaking wind, gulp, gulping, knee jerk,
knee-jerk reflex, patellar reflex, light reflex, pupillary reflex, miosis, myosis,
mydriasis, micturition reflex, pharyngeal reflex, gag reflex, pilomotor reflex, gooseflesh,
goose bump, goosebump, goose pimple, goose skin, horripilation, plantar reflex,
rooting reflex, startle, jump, start, stretch reflex, myotactic reflex,
suckling reflex, tremble, shiver, shake, sneeze, sneezing,
sternutation, hiccup, hiccough, singultus

II - adjective
without volition or conscious control
- the automatic shrinking of the pupils of the eye in strong light
- a reflex knee jerk
- sneezing is reflexive
automatic, reflexive
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