a physician who specializes in psychiatry • Syn: psychiatrist, head-shrinker • Derivationally related forms: psychiatry (for: psychiatrist) • Hypernyms: specialist, medical specialist • Hyponyms: alienist, analyst, psychoanalyst • Instance Hyponyms: Horney, Karen Horney, Karen Danielsen Horney, Jaspers, Karl Jaspers, Karl Theodor Jaspers, Menninger, Charles Menninger, Charles Frederick Menninger, Karl Menninger, Karl Augustus Menninger, William Menninger, William Claire Menninger, Sullivan, Harry Stack Sullivan
1. wither, as with a loss of moisture (Freq. 3) - The fruit dried and shriveled • Syn: shrivel, shrivel up, wither • Hypernyms: decrease, diminish, lessen, fall • Hyponyms: atrophy, blast, die back, die down, mummify, dry up • Verb Frames: - Something ----s 2. draw back, as with fear or pain (Freq. 2) - she flinched when they showed the slaughtering of the calf • Syn: flinch, squinch, funk, cringe, wince, recoil, quail • Derivationally related forms: wince (for: wince), flinch (for: flinch) • Hypernyms: move • Hyponyms: shrink back, retract • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s - Somebody ----s PP 3. reduce in size; reduce physically (Freq. 2) - Hot water will shrink the sweater - Can you shrink this image? • Syn: reduce • Derivationally related forms: reduction (for: reduce), shrinkage, shrinking • Hypernyms: decrease, lessen, minify • Hyponyms: reduce, scale down, reef, miniaturize, miniaturise, depopulate, desolate, downsize, contract • Cause: contract • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Something ----s something 4. become smaller or draw together (Freq. 1) - The fabric shrank - The balloon shrank • Syn: contract • Ant: expand (for: contract), stretch • Derivationally related forms: contraction (for: contract), shrinkage • Hypernyms: decrease, diminish, lessen, fall • Hyponyms: flex • Verb Frames: - Something ----s - These fabrics shrink easily 5. decrease in size, range, or extent - His earnings shrank - My courage shrivelled when I saw the task before me • Syn: shrivel • Derivationally related forms: shrinking • Hypernyms: decrease, diminish, lessen, fall • Verb Frames: - Something ----s - Their earnings shrink this year