1. the practice of cultivating the land or raising stock (Freq. 12) • Syn: agriculture, husbandry • Derivationally related forms: agriculturist (for: agriculture), farm • Members of this Topic: cultivation, smut, fertilize, fertilise, feed, thrash, thresh, sow, seed, broadcast, inseminate, sow in, reseed, grow, raise, farm, produce, carry, till, cultivate, crop, work, overcrop, overcultivate, plow, plough, turn, ridge, harrow, disk, hoe • Hypernyms: cultivation • Hyponyms: animal husbandry, arboriculture, tree farming, dairying, dairy farming, gardening, horticulture, hydroponics, aquiculture, tank farming, mixed farming, planting, ranching, strip cropping, subsistence farming, truck farming • Part Meronyms: tilling, harvest, harvest time 2. agriculture considered as an occupation or way of life - farming is a strenuous life - there's no work on the land any more • Syn: land • Derivationally related forms: farm • Hypernyms: occupation, business, job, line of work, line
relating to rural matters - an agrarian (or agricultural) society - farming communities • Syn: agrarian, agricultural • Similar to: rural