1. the act of gripping and pressing firmly (Freq. 1) - he gave her cheek a playful squeeze • Syn: squeezing • Derivationally related forms: squeeze (for: squeezing) • Hypernyms: compression, compressing • Hyponyms: pinch, tweak, expression, extrusion, expulsion 2. a situation in which increased costs cannot be passed on to the customer - increased expenses put a squeeze on profits • Hypernyms: loss, red ink, red 3. (slang) a person's girlfriend or boyfriend - she was his main squeeze • Usage Domain: slang, cant, jargon, lingo, argot, patois, vernacular • Hypernyms: lover 4. a twisting squeeze - gave the wet cloth a wring • Syn: wring • Derivationally related forms: wring (for: wring) • Hypernyms: movement, motion 5. a tight or amorous embrace - come here and give me a big hug • Syn: hug, clinch • Derivationally related forms: clinch (for: clinch), hug (for: hug) • Hypernyms: embrace, embracing, embracement 6. an aggressive attempt to compel acquiescence by the concentration or manipulation of power - she laughed at this sexual power play and walked away • Syn: power play, squeeze play • Hypernyms: attempt, effort, endeavor, endeavour, try 7. a state in which there is a short supply of cash to lend to businesses and consumers and interest rates are high • Syn: credit crunch, liquidity crisis • Hypernyms: financial condition 8. the act of forcing yourself (or being forced) into or through a restricted space - getting through that small opening was a tight squeeze • Hypernyms: constriction
1. to compress with violence, out of natural shape or condition (Freq. 9) - crush an aluminum can - squeeze a lemon • Syn: squash, crush, squelch, mash • Derivationally related forms: squeezer, mash (for: mash), crush (for: crush), crusher (for: crush) • Hypernyms: press • Hyponyms: wring, stamp, steamroller, tread, telescope • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s somebody - Something ----s somebody - Something ----s something 2. press firmly (Freq. 6) - He squeezed my hand • See Also: squeeze out • Derivationally related forms: squeezing • Hypernyms: press • Hyponyms: clench • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s somebody - Something ----s somebody - Something ----s something - Sam cannot squeeze Sue 3. squeeze like a wedge into a tight space (Freq. 4) - I squeezed myself into the corner • Syn: wedge, force • Derivationally related forms: wedge (for: wedge) • Hypernyms: move, displace • Hyponyms: impact, compress, compact, pack together • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s somebody PP - Somebody ----s something PP 4. obtain by coercion or intimidation - They extorted money from the executive by threatening to reveal his past to the company boss - They squeezed money from the owner of the business by threatening him • Syn: extort, rack, gouge, wring • Derivationally related forms: gouger (for: gouge), extortion (for: extort) • Hypernyms: overcharge, soak, surcharge, gazump, fleece, plume, pluck, rob, hook • Hyponyms: bleed • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something from somebody 5. squeeze or press together - she compressed her lips - the spasm contracted the muscle • Syn: compress, constrict, compact, contract, press • Derivationally related forms: press (for: press), pressing (for: press), contraction (for: contract), contracture (for: contract), contractor (for: contract), constriction (for: constrict), constrictor (for: constrict), compressible (for: compress), compression (for: compress), compressor (for: compress), compressing (for: compress) • Hypernyms: tighten • Hyponyms: choke, strangle, prim, astringe, strangulate, convulse, bear down, overbear, gag, fret, scrag • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something 6. to cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means :"She forced him to take a job in the city" - He squeezed her for information • Syn: coerce, hale, pressure, force • Derivationally related forms: force (for: force), pressure (for: pressure), coercive (for: coerce), coercion (for: coerce) • Hypernyms: compel, oblige, obligate • Hyponyms: turn up the heat, turn up the pressure, drive, bludgeon, steamroller, steamroll, squeeze for, dragoon, sandbag, railroad, terrorize, terrorise, bring oneself • Cause: act, move • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s somebody to INFINITIVE - Somebody ----s somebody into V-ing something 7. squeeze tightly between the fingers - He pinched her behind - She squeezed the bottle • Syn: pinch, twinge, tweet, nip, twitch • Derivationally related forms: nipper (for: nip), pinch (for: pinch) • Hypernyms: grip • Hyponyms: goose, tweak • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Something ----s something 8. press or force - Stuff money into an envelope - She thrust the letter into his hand • Syn: thrust, stuff, shove • Derivationally related forms: shove (for: shove), thrust (for: thrust) • Hypernyms: push, force • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s somebody PP - Somebody ----s something PP - They squeeze the books into the box 9. squeeze (someone) tightly in your arms, usually with fondness - Hug me, please - They embraced - He hugged her close to him • Syn: embrace, hug, bosom • Derivationally related forms: bosom (for: bosom), hug (for: hug), hugger (for: hug), hugging (for: hug), embracement (for: embrace), embrace (for: embrace), embracing (for: embrace) • Hypernyms: clasp • Hyponyms: clinch, cuddle, interlock, lock • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s somebody