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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

sheet S1 W2 /ʃiːt/ BrE AmE noun [countable]
[Language: Old English; Origin: scyte]
1. FOR A BED a large piece of thin cloth that you put on a bed to lie on or lie under ⇨ blanket, duvet:
I’ll go and find you some clean sheets and blankets.
white cotton sheets
change the sheets (=put clean sheets on a bed)
2. PAPER a piece of paper for writing on, or containing information
sheet of
a sheet of paper with names and numbers on it
clean/blank sheet of paper (=one with no writing on it)
3. THIN FLAT PIECE a thin flat piece of something such as metal or glass, that usually has four sides
sheet of
a sheet of glass ⇨ ↑sheet metal
4. LARGE FLAT AREA a large flat area of something such as ice or water spread over a surface
sheet of
A sheet of ice covered the lake.
5. OF RAIN/FIRE a sheet of rain or fire is a very large moving mass of it
sheet of
Sheets of flame shot into the air.
in sheets
The rain was coming down in sheets.
6. ON A SHIP technical a rope or chain attached to a sail on a ship that controls the angle between a sail and the wind
⇨ ↑baking sheet, ↑balance sheet, ↑cookie sheet, ↑rap sheet, ↑time sheet, ⇨ as white as a sheet at ↑white1(3), ⇨ clean sheet at ↑clean1(9)
• • •
piece an amount of something that has been cut or separated from the main part: Could I have another piece of cake? | a piece of broken glass | Emma cut the pie into eight pieces.
bit a piece. Bit is more informal than piece and is often used about smaller pieces: The notes were written on bits of paper. | He threw a bit of wood onto the fire.
lump a small piece of something solid or firm that does not have a regular shape: two lumps of sugar | a lump of coal | a lump of clay
scrap a small piece of paper, cloth etc that is no longer needed: I wrote the phone number on a scrap of paper. | The dog was eating scraps of food off the floor.
strip a long narrow piece of cloth, paper etc: a strip of cloth | The leather had been cut into strips.
sheet a thin flat piece of something such as paper, glass, or metal: a blank sheet of paper | a sheet of aluminium
slice a thin flat piece of bread, cake, meat etc cut from a larger piece: a slice of pizza | Cut the tomatoes into thin slices.
chunk a piece of something solid that does not have a regular shape – used especially about food, rock, or metal: The fruit was cut into large chunks. | a chunk of bread
hunk a large piece with rough edges, which has been cut or has broken off a bigger piece of food, rock etc: a big hunk of cheese | hunks of concrete
block a piece of something solid, which has straight sides: concrete blocks | a block of cheese | a block of ice
slab a thick flat piece of stone, or of cake, meat etc: The floor had been made from stone slabs. | a slab of beef
cube a piece that has six square sides – used especially about food: a cube of sugar | ice cubes
wedge a piece that has a thick end and a pointed end, and is shaped like a ↑triangle – used especially about food and metal: a wedge of cheese
bar a block of soap, chocolate, candy, or metal, which has straight sides: a chocolate bar | a bar of soap | gold bars worth more than £26 million
rasher British English a slice of bacon: I usually have two rashers of bacon for breakfast.

danh từ
khăn trải giừơng, tấm đra trải giường; tấm phủ, chăn
lá, tấm, phiến, tờ
a sheet of iron
một tấm sắt
loose sheet
tờ giấy rời
dải, mảng lớn (nước, băng..)
a sheet of ice
một dải băng
(địa lý,địa chất) vỉa
(hàng hải) dây lèo (để điều chỉnh buồm)
(thơ ca) buồm
dây thừng, xích (để căng buồm)
to be a sheet in the wind
(từ lóng) ngà ngà say
to be three sheets in the wind
(từ lóng) say bí tỉ, say khướt
ngoại động từ
đậy, phủ, trùm kín
làm thành tấm, kết lại thành tấm, hợp lại thành phiến
sheeted rain
mưa như đổ nước
nội động từ
phủ, đậy, kín
to sheet over a waggon
phủ kín một toa xe bằng vải bạt
the town was sheeted over with snow
tuyết phủ đầy thành phố
(hàng hải) giữ buồm bằng dây lèo
to sheet home
buộc căng dây lèo buồm

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