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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.worse1 S2 W2 /wɜːs $ wɜːrs/ BrE AmE adjective
[Language: Old English; Origin: wiersa, wyrsa]
1. [the comparative of bad] more unpleasant, bad, or severe ⇨ better
worse than
The violence was worse than we expected.
The traffic is much worse after five o'clock.
The weather was a lot worse this year.
Conditions will get worse as the winter continues.
High inflation will make unemployment worse.
Don’t say anything, you’ll only make matters worse.
The bullying got worse and worse until finally he had to leave the school.
There’s nothing worse than being robbed while you’re on holiday.
The school’s not perfect, but I suppose it could be worse.
2. more ill than before:
If she’s worse in the morning, I’ll call the doctor.
I was worried because he seemed to be getting worse rather than better.
The tablets seemed to make him worse.
3. be none the worse for something to not have been harmed by something:
She seemed none the worse for her night out in the cold.
4. worse luck spoken used to say that you are disappointed or annoyed by something:
I’ve got one more year of college, worse luck!
5. somebody could do worse than do something spoken used to say that you think that someone should do something:
He could do worse than marry Eleanor.
6. go from bad to worse to continue getting worse:
Things went from bad to worse, and in the end she lost her job.
7. the worse for wear (also the worse for drink British English) informal drunk
• • •
worse, worst
Worse is a comparative form:
The problem got worse and worse.

Do not say 'more worse' or 'worser'.
Worst is a superlative form:
It was the worst film (NOT the worse film) I have ever seen.

Do not say 'most worst' or 'worstest'.
• • •
much/a lot/far worse Conditions were much worse in rural areas.
considerably/substantially worse To make matters considerably worse, he lost his job.
infinitely worse (=very much worse) My fate could have been infinitely worse.
progressively/steadily worse The violence grew progressively worse.
even worse My cooking’s even worse than yours.
get/become/grow worse The recession was getting worse.
make something worse Getting angry will just make things worse.
worse and worse The bullying got worse and worse.
there’s nothing worse than ... There’s nothing worse than lending something and not getting it back.
something could be worse Cheer up – things could be worse.
better or worse I wasn’t sure whether his behaviour was getting better or worse.
• • •
worse more unpleasant, bad, severe etc, or of a lower standard or quality: Recent reports indicate that the situation is getting worse. | Your French is even worse than mine!
inferior of a lower standard or quality than something else, or less good than someone else: Their wines are of inferior quality. | an inferior product | Trying to do things on the cheap only results in an inferior service.
not compare with something used to emphasize that someone or something is not nearly as good, big, or nice as someone or something else: This recording just doesn’t compare with his early recordings. | Our sales this year do not compare with last year’s outstanding results.
not be in the same league informal used to emphasize that the standard of someone or something is not nearly as good as someone or something else: He’s pretty good, but he’s not in the same league as his brother.
not be a patch on something/somebody British English informal use this to emphasize that something is not nearly as good as something else, especially something that came before it: The film wasn’t a patch on the book. | He’s not a patch on Tarantino as an director.
II.worse2 BrE AmE noun
1. something worse ⇨ better:
We thought the situation was bad, but worse was to follow.
2. take a turn for the worse to change and become worse:
Last year his health took a turn for the worse.
III.worse3 S3 W3 BrE AmE adverb
[the comparative of badly]
in a more severe or serious way than before ⇨ better
worse than
By lunch time it was raining worse than ever.
[sentence adverb]
The business could become less profitable or, even worse, could close down.
Suppose Rose, or worse still, Peter had seen the photograph?

tính từ (từ ở cấp so sánh của bad)
(worse than something / doing something) xấu hơn, tồi hơn, tệ hơn
the weather got worse during the day
thời tiết trong ngày đã xấu đi
the economic crisis is getting worse and worse
cuộc khủng hoảng kinh tế ngày càng tồi tệ hơn
the interview was far/much worse than he had expected
cuộc phỏng vấn tệ hơn rất nhiều so với những điều nó mong đợi
to prevent an even worse tragedy
ngăn ngừa một thảm kịch còn tồi tệ hơn thế
you're only making things worse
anh chỉ làm cho tình hình tệ thêm mà thôi
nặng hơn; trầm trọng hơn; nguy kịch hơn
if he gets any worse, we must phone for an ambulance
nếu bệnh tình ông ấy nặng thêm, ta phải điện thoại gọi xe cấp cứu
the doctor says he is worse today
bác sĩ nói bệnh anh ta hôm nay nặng hơn
to have the worse ground
ở địa vị xấu hơn, ở trong điều kiện xấu hơn
to be none the worse (for something)
không bị (cái gì) làm tổn hại
the children were none the worse for their adventure
qua sự việc mạo hiểm của chúng, lũ trẻ may mắn không sao cả
the worse for wear
(thông tục) mòn, hỏng; mệt mỏi
your copy of the dictionary is looking a bit the worse for wear
cuốn từ điển của ông trông có vẻ cũ rồi
Bill came home from the pub considerably the worse for wear
Bill từ quán rượu trở về, say bí tỉ
somebody's bark is worse than his bite
xem bark
better/worse still
xem still
to be the worse for drink
say rượu
a fate worse than death
xem fate
to make matters/things worse
làm cho tình hình tồi tệ thêm
so much the better/worse (for somebody/something)
càng hay/mặc kệ
the result is not very important to us, but if we do win, (then) so much the better
kết quả chẳng quan trọng lắm đối với chúng tôi, nhưng nếu chúngtôi thắng thì càng hay
worse luck!
(thông tục) bất hạnh, đáng tiếc (bình luận về cái gì đã được nói đến)
phó từ (cấp so sánh của badly)
xấu hơn, kém hơn
he's behaving worse than ever
hắn cư xử tệ hại hơn bao giờ cả
mạnh hơn, mãnh liệt hơn trước
It's raining worse than ever
trời chưa bao giờ mưa to như thế này
to be worse off
nghèo, khổ, yếu.. hơn trước
danh từ
cái xấu hơn, cái tệ hơn, cái tồi hơn
I'm afraid there is worse to come
tôi e rằng sẽ còn có những cái xấu hơn sẽ xảy ra
a change for the better/worse
sự thay đổi xấu đi
(the worse) sự thua cuộc
to have the worse
bị thua
to put somebody to the worse
can/could do worse than do something
tỏ ra đúng, tỏ ra biết lẽ phải trong khi làm cái gì
if you want a safe investment, you could do a lot worse than put your money in the building society
nếu anh muốn đầu tư an toàn, anh có thể bỏ tiền vào một công ty xây dựng hơn là làm những cái gì khác
to go from bad to worse
ngày càng xấu hơn, trở nên còn tệ hại hơn (hoàn cảnh không vừa ý..)
under the new management, things have gone from bad to worse
với ban quản trị mới, tình hình ngày càng tệ hơn

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