1. a search for knowledge (Freq. 4) - their pottery deserves more research than it has received • Syn: enquiry, research • Derivationally related forms: research (for: research) • Hypernyms: problem solving • Hyponyms: nature study, experiment, experimentation, empirical research, probe, investigation, poll, opinion poll, public opinion poll, canvass, heraldry 2. an instance of questioning (Freq. 3) - there was a question about my training - we made inquiries of all those who were present • Syn: question, enquiry, query, interrogation • Ant: answer (for: question) • Derivationally related forms: interrogate (for: interrogation), query (for: query), enquire (for: enquiry), inquire, question (for: question) • Hypernyms: questioning, inquiring 3. a systematic investigation of a matter of public interest (Freq. 2) • Syn: enquiry • Derivationally related forms: enquire (for: enquiry), inquire • Hypernyms: investigation, investigating • Hyponyms: means test, inquest