Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 seas and oceans 2 movements of the sea 3 where the sea meets the land 4 travelling on the sea 5 working at sea animals that live in the sea FISH 1 see also LAND, WORLD 1 seas and oceans - the salty water that covers much of the surface of the earth: sea (noun U) to swim in the sea ◎ to live by the sea ◎ the deep blue sea ◎ a journey by sea - a particular area of sea: sea the Mediterranean sea - one of the main areas of sea: ocean the Atlantic Ocean ◎ an ocean voyage - an area of sea that is largely enclosed by a curved coastline: bay the Bay of Bengal - an area of sea that is almost surrounded by land: gulf the Gulf of Mexico ◎ the Persian Gulf - a narrow area of sea between two pieces of land: channel the English Channel - the top of the sea: surface The fish were swimming close to the surface. - the bottom of the sea: seabed, bottom, floor Can you see the bottom? ◎ the floor of the ocean - the distant line where the sea seems to meet the sky; the furthest point we can see in the distance: horizon Can you see the ship? It's like a small dot on the horizon. - the water in the sea: sea water (noun U) - different types of plant which grow in the sea: seaweed (noun U) - a light wind by the sea: sea breeze
2 movements of the sea - a raised line of water that moves across the surface of the sea: wave - when a wave falls on the shore, it breaks* the sound of the waves breaking on the shore - when there are a lot of waves, the sea is rough; opposite: calm The water's much rougher today. - the flow of water in the sea that can make it dangerous to swim: current You can't swim here because of the dangerous currents. - the regular rising and falling of the level of the sea: tide; adjective: tidal - when the water level is high and the water is closer to the shore, the tide is in, it is high tide - when the water level is low and the water is further from the shore, the tide is out, it is low tide - when the tide gets higher, it comes* in; when it gets lower, it goes* out
3 where the sea meets the land - the land beside or near the sea: coast; adjective: coastal; the shape of the coast: coastline We could already see the French coast. ◎ coastal regions ◎ a spectacular coastline - the land at the edge of the sea: shore (noun C/U), seashore (noun U) a few hundred yards from the shore ◎ to go on shore (= to get off a boat and go on to the land) We went for a walk along the seashore. - a steep, rocky part of the coast: cliff The hotel is at the top of a cliff. - an area on the coast where people go on holiday: seaside (noun singular) a day at the seaside ◎ a seaside hotel - an area of land by the sea, usually covered with sand or stones, and often covered by the sea at high tide: beach sunbathing on the beach ◎ a sandy/stony beach ※ more on beaches BEACH - a piece of land with water all around it: island a desert island (= a tropical island where no one lives) - a piece of land that is almost surrounded by water: peninsula the Iberian Peninsula - a piece of land that sticks out into the sea: cape Cape Horn ◎ The Cape of Good Hope
4 travelling on the sea - to go on the sea in a boat: sail We sailed across the Atlantic. - a person who is on the sea in a boat is at sea They'd been at sea for three months. - a journey across an area of sea: crossing Did you have a pleasant crossing? ◎ a transatlantic crossing (= a journey across the Atlantic Ocean) - a long journey by sea: (formal) voyage - to arrive on land: land, go* ashore We landed at Southampton. ◎ It was such a relief when we finally went ashore. - when you feel sick on a boat because of the movement of the waves, you are seasick - an accident at sea in which a ship is destroyed: shipwreck - a person or ship that has suffered such a accident has been shipwrecked ※ more on boats and travelling by sea BOAT - a place on the coast where ships can be tied up to shelter from the sea: harbour (AmE harbor) - an area where ships load and unload goods and passengers: port
5 working at sea - a person who works in boats at sea: sailor, seaman (plural seamen) - a person who sails on the sea in order to catch fish: fisherman (plural fishermen) - a person who swims underwater wearing special breathing equipment: diver; a diver who works in deep water: deep-sea diver - to become a sailor: go* to sea He went to sea at the age of 16. - a special boat that goes out to rescue people who are in danger at sea: lifeboat - a person who works on the coast, watching the sea in order to help people and boats which are in trouble: coastguard - a tower by the sea with a light at the top that guides people in boats and shows them where the land is: lighthouse ※ MORE ... - a hard pink or red substance that is found under the sea: coral (noun U) a coral island - a line of rocks, coral, etc, on or under the surface of the sea: (coral) reef - connected with the sea: marine, maritime marine animals ◎ maritime law
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