1. a person you know well and regard with affection and trust (Freq. 169) - he was my best friend at the university • Derivationally related forms: friendly, friendship • Hypernyms: person, individual, someone, somebody, mortal, soul • Hyponyms: alter ego, amigo, best friend, brother, comrade, buddy, chum, crony, pal, sidekick, companion, fellow, familiar, associate, confidant, intimate, flatmate, flatmate, light, mate, roommate, roomie, roomy, schoolfriend • Instance Hyponyms: Damon and Pythias, Damon, Phintias, Pythias 2. an associate who provides cooperation or assistance (Freq. 1) - he's a good ally in fight • Syn: ally • Ant: foe • Derivationally related forms: ally (for: ally) • Hypernyms: associate • Hyponyms: blood brother 3. a person with whom you are acquainted (Freq. 1) - I have trouble remembering the names of all my acquaintances - we are friends of the family • Syn: acquaintance • Ant: stranger (for: acquaintance) • Derivationally related forms: friendship, acquaintanceship (for: acquaintance) • Hypernyms: person, individual, someone, somebody, mortal, soul • Hyponyms: bunkmate, campmate, connection, end man, homeboy, messmate, pickup, schoolmate, classmate, schoolfellow, class fellow 4. a person who backs a politician or a team etc. - all their supporters came out for the game - they are friends of the library • Syn: supporter, protagonist, champion, admirer, booster • Derivationally related forms: boost (for: booster), admire (for: admirer), champion (for: champion), support (for: supporter) • Hypernyms: advocate, advocator, proponent, exponent • Hyponyms: anglophile, anglophil, believer, truster, Boswell, cheerleader, Confederate, corporatist, enthusiast, partisan, partizan, Francophile, Francophil, free trader, functionalist, Jacobite, loyalist, stalwart, New Dealer, philhellene, philhellenist, Graecophile, pillar, mainstay, Roundhead, seconder, Shavian, subscriber, endorser, indorser, ratifier, sympathizer, sympathiser, well-wisher, toaster, toaster, upholder, maintainer, sustainer, voucher, verifier, Whig