1. a message that tells the particulars of an act or occurrence or course of events; presented in writing or drama or cinema or as a radio or television program (Freq. 36) - his narrative was interesting - Disney's stories entertain adults as well as children • Syn: narrative, narration, tale • Derivationally related forms: tell (for: tale), narrate (for: narration) • Hypernyms: message, content, subject matter, substance • Hyponyms: tearjerker, tall tale, folktale, folk tale, sob story, sob stuff, fairytale, fairy tale, fairy story, nursery rhyme • Instance Hyponyms: Canterbury Tales 2. a piece of fiction that narrates a chain of related events (Freq. 14) - he writes stories for the magazines • Hypernyms: fiction • Hyponyms: adventure story, heroic tale, mystery, mystery story, whodunit, love story, romance, legend, fable, short story, parable, allegory, apologue, myth, plot • Part Meronyms: climax, culmination, anticlimax, bathos 3. a structure consisting of a room or set of rooms at a single position along a vertical scale (Freq. 7) - what level is the office on? • Syn: floor, level, storey • Hypernyms: structure, construction • Hyponyms: basement, cellar, ground floor, first floor, ground level, loft, attic, garret, mezzanine, mezzanine floor, entresol • Part Holonyms: building, edifice 4. a record or narrative description of past events (Freq. 3) - a history of France - he gave an inaccurate account of the plot to kill the president - the story of exposure to lead • Syn: history, account, chronicle • Derivationally related forms: chronicle (for: chronicle), historic (for: history) • Topics: history • Hypernyms: record • Hyponyms: ancient history, etymology, case history, historical document, historical paper, historical record, annals, chronological record, biography, life, life story, life history, recital 5. a short account of the news (Freq. 2) - the report of his speech - the story was on the 11 o'clock news - the account of his speech that was given on the evening news made the governor furious • Syn: report, news report, account, write up • Derivationally related forms: write up (for: write up), report (for: report) • Hypernyms: news • Hyponyms: newsletter, newssheet, bulletin, dispatch, despatch, communique, urban legend, exclusive, scoop 6. a trivial lie (Freq. 1) - he told a fib about eating his spinach - how can I stop my child from telling stories? • Syn: fib, tale, tarradiddle, taradiddle • Derivationally related forms: fib (for: fib) • Hypernyms: lie, prevarication • Hyponyms: fairytale, fairy tale, fairy story, cock-and-bull story, song and dance