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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

youth S2 W2 /juːθ/ BrE AmE noun (plural youths /juːðz $ juːðz, juːθs/)
[Word Family: noun: ↑young, ↑youngster, ↑youth, ↑youthfulness; adjective: ↑young, ↑youthful; adverb: ↑youthfully]
[Language: Old English; Origin: geoguth]
1. [uncountable] the period of time when someone is young, especially the period when someone is a teenager ⇨ old age
in sb’s youth
Many of these people had used drugs in their youth.
In everyday English, people usually say when I was young, rather than saying in my youth:
They were friends when they were young.
2. [countable] a teenage boy – used especially in newspapers to show disapproval:
a gang of youths
3. [uncountable] young people in general
the youth of something
The youth of today are the pensioners of tomorrow.
4. [uncountable] the quality or state of being young OPP age:
Despite his youth, he had travelled alone.
The cream will restore youth and vitality to your skin.
• • •
spend your youth She spent her youth in India.
relive/recapture your youth (=do things you did when young, to try and experience youth again) The band’s fans are clearly reliving their youth. | The sports car is an attempt to recapture his youth.
a misspent youth (=spent doing things that were bad or not useful) He is trying to make up for his misspent youth.
your lost youth (=the time long ago when you were young) He wept for his lost youth.
the days/dreams/friends etc of sb’s youth He had long ago forgotten the dreams of his youth.

danh từ
thời kỳ đang trẻ (nhất là khoảng giữa thời thơ ấu và lúc trưởng thành); thời thanh niên; tuổi trẻ
a wasted youth
một thời thanhniên uổng phí
I often went there in my youth
thời trẻ tôi thường đi đến đó
the enthusiasm of youth
nhiệt tình của tuổi trẻ
her youth gives her an advantage over the other runners
tuổi trẻ làm cho cô ấy có ưu thế hơn những tay đua khác
she's full of youth and vitality
cô ấy tràn trề tuổi xuân và sức sống
the youth of civilization
buổi ban đầu của nền văn minh
tầng lớp thanh niên; lứa tuổi thanh niên; (nói chung) thanh niên (cũng) the youth
the youth of the country/the country's youth
thanh niên của đất nước
the youth of today has/have greater opportunities than ever before
lớp trẻ/giới trẻ ngày nay có những cơ hội lớn hơn bao giờ hết so với trước đây
youth club
câu lạc bộ thanh niên
youth hostelling
sự nghỉ ngơi ở nhà trọ thanh niên
The Communist Youth League
Đoàn thanh niên cộng sản
The Ho Chi Minh Labour Youth Union
Đoàn thanh niên lao động Hồ Chí Minh
chàng trai trẻ; chàng thanh niên
a bevy of youths
một đám thanh niên
the fight was started by some youths who had been drinking
cuộc ẩu đả xảy ra là do mấy thanh niên say rượu

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